With this newsletter, we have released our 2009 Kiwi
CAL. As with our two previous CALs, the
artwork is by Alistair Burns, and like last year, adapted from the Freepost Day
covers issued in 1996 and designed by our nephew Ian Young.
The CALs were printed by NZPost in
sheets of 50 (5 x 10), with a limited print run of 2000.
2009, the year of issue, is printed vertically in small letters at the bottom
left of the CAL.
We anticipate it being listed in Campbell Paterson's catalogue supplements.
collectors may well have thought that Royal Mail was playing an early April
Fools Day joke, upon examining closely some of the new definitive stamps,
issued earlier this year.
In the top right hand corner of self-adhesive first-class
and second-class Queen Elizabeth definitives (known
as Machins) are the words 'ROYAL MAIL' printed in iridescent ink in a wavelike pattern. But only on stamps from sheets of 50 sold
over post office counters, are the words are spelt correctly. Stamps printed in other formats (e.g.
booklets) contain various perversions, e.g.,
Royal Mail said that the purpose of the
codes (referred to as 'identifiers') is to identify the original format of the
stamps, in order to correct any printing problems that may arise.
The codes appear either in the word 'ROYAL' or 'MAIL', found
in the wavy line background.
Codes used
so far are ~
B for business sheets F for retail booklets of four
S for retail booklets of six T
for retail booklets of twelve
C for custom retail booklets which
include commemoratives
Whilst the C, F, S, and T each appear
in one particular position within the 'ROYAL MAIL', the B appears in different
locations, depending on the type of stamp.
For example, on stamps inscribed 'Large' the B replaces the first A
so the phrase reads ROYBL MAIL, but
on the standard rate stamps, the B replaces the second A, resulting in ROYAL MBIL.
2nd blue viewed under special lighting
Royal Mail scheduled 31 March for the introduction of these 'identifiers',
booklets containing stamps with 'B' codes were actually put on sale on 13 March
Another 'security feature' of the stamps is a pair of elliptical slits,
which means that if anyone attempts to soak them off an envelope, they will
"fall to pieces".
Collectors will have to keep these stamps 'on paper'.
We rather doubt that Her
Majesty will be amused by either of these developments in 'her' stamps !
planning the release of last years Kiwi CAL, three different designs were
considered for the 'official' first day cover.
In February, we offered for sale on Trademe,
the two alternatives that were not chosen for general release.
a result of the generous bidding by two of our members, $150 was donated to one of our countries important research organisations, the New Zealand Neurological Foundation.
Members have given us several suggestions for fundraising, we will be following one or more of these up
later in the year.
Mr G Nicol North
Shore Mr F Latta Auckland
Mr G Halling Matamata Mr B Pattison Te Puke
Mr H Dickens Masterton Mr L Hotton Christchurch
Mr J Botermans Dunedin
Full Subscription ~ $22 pa (less various
Associate and Junior members ~ $8 pa (NZ) $12 pa (overseas).
receive newsletters but do not usually participate in circuit activities.
Junior members (age 10-15) get their own
newsletters etc, and are allowed to receive circuit books, as long as they have
a senior member to oversee them.
Good Member Discount ~ All
members get a discount on their subscription for prompt payment.
This depends on the financial success of the club in the preceding year ~ this
year we are able to give our helpful
members in 2008 prompt payment discounts of up to $10, plus their other
Email Discount ~ for members who maintain email
contact and help us keep track of boxes.
Postal Discount – for members who provide us with the extra security of a
PO Box for mail delivery of circuit boxes or receive them via Counter Delivery
at their PO.
Special Discount ~ for non-circuit members, accounts being wound-down, estates, overseas etc.
New Member Bonus ~ a $5 bonus
for each new buying member you help to enroll for a full year.
Statements ~ sent twice yearly ~ with
Christmas and Mid-year newsletters.
Members can request additional statements at
any time ~ $1 charge to cover postage, printing etc.
Sales Payments ~ sent with December accounts, unless
arranged otherwise.
Sales Commission ~ 15% (reduced to 12% for
top quality material) $1 minimum per book.
Members will probably be aware of the sale of ACS following
the retirement of Warwick Delamore.
David Holmes (a former partner in ACS) and Nigel Shanks have
bought the assets and relocated the business to Newmarket
under the umbrella of Stamp Associates
Ltd. They will no longer be stocking
stamp accessories but plan to continue publication of the ACS catalogue.
Long time Kiwi members, Earle and Ruth Howe of Nustamps have
bought the new issues part of the business and are finding it a demanding but
rewarding activity.
We wish them well with their new ventures.
Since the postal market was deregulated in 1998, several small competitors to NZ Post have emerged, including Fastway, NZ Mail, DX Mail and Pete's Post.
The latest player in the field, stationery manufacturer Croxley has announced that it is setting up its own postal service in competition with NZPost, and hopes to gain 10 per cent of the $500 million postal market in two to three years.
owned by United States multinational Office
Max, already distributes NZ Post stamps and envelopes through a variety of
retailers including The Warehouse, Office Max, and Whitcoulls.
It has signed an access agreement with NZPost, enabling Croxley Mail items to be posted in NZPost mail boxes and pass on through the delivery system.
Croxley has registered as a postal operator and is offering a range of stamps and envelopes under the Croxley Mail brand, including pre-paid envelopes and boxes, and stamp denominations from 50c to $1.50
The first set of six Croxley Mail stamps feature Kumeu designer Paul Green’s landscape images photographed under moonlight at Muriwai Beach on Auckland’s west coast.
Dispenser packs of 100 50c Croxley Mail stamps are available on the internet for $46.
From this month, prices for sending letters and parcels overseas go up about 15%.
The only good news is that a new 'large' size (C5) has been include in the price scale.
The new rates for standard letters are ~
Medium DLE |
Large C5 |
Extra large C4 |
Oversize Fscap plus |
Dimensions |
130 x 235 mm |
165 x 235 mm |
230 x 325 mm |
260 x 385 mm |
Australia & South Pacific |
$1.80 |
$2.30 |
$2.80 |
$3.50 |
Rest of World |
$2.30 |
$2.80 |
$3.30 |
$5 |
letters have a maximum weight of 200g
and thickness of 10mm
Postcards and aerogrammes can be sent anywhere overseas for $1.80
Letters can be sent 'Economy ' to the rest of the world for 50c less than the standard rate.
NZPost has released a new range of scenic definitives to allow for the rate changes.
Mail that is clearly addressed, is
being delayed and misdirected by up to two weeks.
card to the KSC from a Whangarei member was postmarked 30
April in a mail centre somewhere, then re-marked 1 May at Wellesley St, then again 5 May in Greenlane,
and finally delivered to our PO Box in Glen Innes on 7 May.
The address is
circled in red, highlighted by two red crosses.
At the time we
wondered if it might have been delayed through not having a postcode.
letter from Albany, postmarked 29 June at a mail centre, was re-marked in Tokoroa 7July and reached us on 9 July. This time the envelope was marked with two
blue crosses drawing attention to Glen Innes.
the same delivery we received a letter from a Masterton member,
postmarked 3 July and re-marked 6July in Greenlane.
The letter had
our correct postcode, so there is no good reason for it going astray.
letter we posted at the Philatelic Sales Centre in Auckland
on 9 June reached its destination in Hamilton on 22 June.
Another item
posted at the same time appears to be still in Never-never Land !
Both of these
items had postcodes on them.
These are only a few examples - It is all rather disturbing.
Clearly the presence of a postcode provides little guarantee
of speedy delivery !!
Having gone to great length to encourage use of postcodes on
addressed mail, we have yet to be convinced they have been of real benefit to NZPost staff or customers (see page 4).
One of NZ's largest philatelic companies told us earlier
this year "We are no longer able to
post items in New Plymouth, unless the recipient's postcode is stated on the
parcel", however at our local Auckland PostShop
it is a different picture. This month I endeavoured to send a parcel addressed 'Paparoa, Northland 0571'. "Is that Dargaville
or Tauranga ?", the Glen Innes postal clerk queried (obviously
rather ignorant of New Zealand Geography).
"Cant you tell from the postcode ?" I
replied. "No !"
she said, "We don’t use post codes here and anyway they are not in the
system !!" At this point I admitted
Nevertheless, at KSC we have tried to do our bit. Our own code (1743) is now printed on
outgoing correspondence and we have included members
codes on addressed envelopes.
Thankyou to members who responded to our recent
request to supply their postcodes,
we now have them on file for nearly everyone.
Bremen (Antarctic Expedition) 50c S/A 14 January ›
Bremen on Ice (Antarctic Expedition) 50c S/A 30 January ›
Timpex-1 (National Stamp Exhibition) 50c S/A & perf 2 February ›
Blockhouse Bay Radio (cats) 50c $1 $2 perforated 4 February › #
Leading Edge Foundation (koru) 50c S/A 23 February
TV2 'What Now' (4th
issue) 50c S/A April
Sri Lankaramaya (10th Anniversary) 50c S/A 10 May
Coachouse (part of LEF group) 50c S/A 22 May
Medrecruit (job agency) $1 S/A 29 May
Timpex-2 (Phar Lap) 50c perforated 5 June ›
Timpex-2 (Railcar) 50c perforated 12 June ›
Youth Stamp Camp (Kaiapoi) 50c S/A 12 July › **
Kiwi Stamp Circuit 50c S/A 15 July ›
› = official first day covers known to have been issued
# proofs of this CAL have been perforated, illegally postmarked and offered for
sale on the internet !
** Although
12 July is given as the official date for FDCs for the Youth Stamp Camp CAL,
supplies were distributed to TIMPEX supporters earlier than this - some were
even offered for sale on Trademe in mid June.
countries have incorporated scent and vision in recent stamp designs in order
to attract collectors.
Polar Holograms
As part of the Fourth International Polar Year, a project proposed by the presidents of Finland and Chile, 42 countries and regions worldwide have issued stamps to raise awareness about global warming and enlist support to preserve the polar regions.
Most of the stamps issued feature animal species, found in Arctic and Antarctic regions that are endangered by climate change and all stamps feature the crystal insignia and the campaign's theme: "Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers."
Issued on June 30, these Japanese stamps feature a hologram depicting the ice crystal.
Sound and
In February,
Bhutan, issued its second set of CD-ROM stamps that you can watch and listen
to. When the stamps are inserted into a
computer, the CD-ROM plays an eight-minute video about Bhutan and provides a
link to a web site with information about
the small Himalayan kingdom. These stamps commemorate
the coronation of a new king and the holding of democratic elections.
In earlier years, Bhutan has issued 3-D stamps, scented stamps and stamps produced on silk and steel.
Flowers and Chocolate
Issued in February, Slovakia's Easter stamp had the scent of the narcissus added during the colour printing process, and just needs warmth or friction to release the fragrance.
commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first chocolate beans
at the port of Bayonne, France issued a strip of
10 se-tenant stamps resembling rectangles of a chocolate bar
all carrying the scent of chocolate.
Birch scented Sauna stamps
A Finnish booklet of five stamps issued in May include microscopic scent capsules. When the stamps are rubbed, the capsules burst and spread an aroma of birch leaves.
“I aimed for Finnishness and the authentic sauna atmosphere” said the designer of the booklet, Päivi Vainionpää.
“The first stamp shows a moment before a sauna. The sun is going down, there’s a fresh birch whisk in the bucket on the jetty, and soft towels await the bathers. The second stamp shows the bathers actually in the sauna, and the third stamp depicts an idyllic shoreline sauna in its natural setting.
The fourth and fifth stamps show sauna atmosphere inside and out: a sauna whisk bathes in the sunlight on a log wall, and inside the sauna, the sunshine lights up the bathing place through a window.”